Aquareus zodiac meaning
Aquarius (?) is the eleventh astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation Aquarius. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun is in Aquarius typically between January 21 and February 18, while under the sidereal Zodiac, the sun is in Aquarius from approximately February 15 to March 14, depending on leap year.
Zodiac symbol Water-Bearer.
Duration (tropical, western) January 20 – February 18 (2018, UT1)
Constellation Aquarius
Zodiac element Air
Zodiac quality Fixed
Sign ruler Uranus (Tropical Astrology), Saturn & Rahu (Sidereal Astrology)
Detriment Sun
Exaltation Neptune
Fall Pluto
Zodiac symbol Water-Bearer.
Duration (tropical, western) January 20 – February 18 (2018, UT1)
Constellation Aquarius
Zodiac element Air
Zodiac quality Fixed
Sign ruler Uranus (Tropical Astrology), Saturn & Rahu (Sidereal Astrology)
Detriment Sun
Exaltation Neptune
Fall Pluto
Aquareus zodiac meaning
Reviewed by nestamereja
11:13 PM

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